How to Grow Yourself and Your Team this Summer 
A worship leader told me once that the summer was the worst time of year for his team to grow. He went on to explain that because of this, he took it easy during the summer, didn’t challenge his team (or himself) to grow and just coasted through until fall arrived.
What I told him next was hard for him to swallow, but absolutely true.
Because he “took the summer off” from focusing on the growth and health of his team, he stumbled into the fall with the same team, the same challenges, and unfortunately, a full 25% of the year where no growth happened and no one joined the team.
I don’t want to see that happen for me or you this summer.
So, this summer you have a choice to make. . . Read more
How to Grow Yourself and Your Team this Summer – Part 2
/in Auditions, Leadership, Tuesday Morning Insights/by adminLast week we started a 3-part series on How to Grow Yourself and Your Worship Team this Summer.
As you know, many worship leaders look at the summer as a time to GLIDE . . . to just get through the summer months and pick up where they left off in the fall.
But I believe the summer is a time for GROWTH – both for you personally as well as for your team.
It’s starts with developing a Passion for Growth. But that’s not all . . .
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How to Grow Yourself and Your Team this Summer – Part 1
/in Leadership, Tuesday Morning Insights/by adminHow to Grow Yourself and Your Team this Summer
A worship leader told me once that the summer was the worst time of year for his team to grow. He went on to explain that because of this, he took it easy during the summer, didn’t challenge his team (or himself) to grow and just coasted through until fall arrived.
What I told him next was hard for him to swallow, but absolutely true.
Because he “took the summer off” from focusing on the growth and health of his team, he stumbled into the fall with the same team, the same challenges, and unfortunately, a full 25% of the year where no growth happened and no one joined the team.
I don’t want to see that happen for me or you this summer.
So, this summer you have a choice to make. . . Read more
3 Things Every Worship Pastor Needs from their Lead Pastor
/in Tuesday Morning Insights/by admin3 Things Every Worship Pastor Needs from their Lead Pastor
Last week we started a quick 2-week series on the Pastor / Worship Pastor
Relationship by talking about what every Pastor needs from their Worship Pastor.
This week we turn the tables and I want to talk to Pastors about what your Worship Pastor needs from you. If you’re a worship pastor, feel free to print this out and “accidentally” leave a copy on your Pastor’s desk :-).
As I have always said, the most important relationship inside the church is the relationship between the Pastor and Worship Pastor. But it’s also a relationship that can hold a lot of tension. That tension MOST LIKELY comes from one specific thing:
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Free Webinar: The Top 3 Worship Planning Mistakes – This Week!
/in Events/by adminYou’re invited to Register Now for the The Top 3 Worship Planning Mistakes Webinar.
Two Dates to Choose from:
Tuesday, May 3 OR Thursday, May 5
And it’s FREE!
This is an ideal training experience for both Pastors and Worship Pastors to attend together.
You will discover how to overcome the Top 3 Mistakes that are keeping you from making your worship services the very best they can be in this new 75-minute webinar with Jason Hatley!
Here’s what you can expect to learn:
Space is limited so Register Now.
3 Things Your Pastor Needs from You
/in Tuesday Morning Insights/by admin3 Things Your Pastor Needs from You
If you have been around Worship Leader Insights for awhile you’ve heard me say that the most important relationship inside the church is the relationship between the Pastor and Worship Pastor. (Pick up the FREE REPORT if you want to hear more on that).
There’s good reason for this . . . the pastor and worship pastor have the most influence on the worship service, you are the two most visible leaders in the church, and you both provide leadership to key people in the church.
So the health of the Pastor / Worship Pastor relationship really speaks to the health of the worship service itself.
This relationship is vitally important, but there is a catch… a paradox in fact. You see, it is the most important relationship in the church, but is also the relationship that tends to have the most tension. In fact, one of the major factors keeping many churches from reaching their full redemptive potential is that the relationship between the Pastor and Worship Pastor isn’t working.
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This Easter Sunday . . . Create Life-Transforming Moments
/in Tuesday Morning Insights/by adminWhat is the goal for your Worship Arts Team this Easter Sunday?
It’s a bit of a trick question, I know, but just go with me on this.
Truth is there are a lot of goals – quality sound, exellent musicianship, passionate volunteers, not forgetting the lyrics (am I the only one with this goal?) … You get the picture.
These are all good, but I’m asking what’s the BIG GOAL?
You know the answer. . . Life Transformation.
As much as we want to see all of these other things, and they do go hand-in-hand, the ultimate goal this Easter Sunday for your Worship Arts Team and mine is Life Transformation. People’s lives radically transformed by the grace of God.
But how?
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Are YOU Ready for Rehearsal?
/in Leadership, Tuesday Morning Insights/by admin“Are YOU ready for Rehearsal?”
That’s a question that I recently posed to a worship leader who was having trouble with his team being prepared and passionate about rehearsal.
His response confirmed my sneaking suspicion . . .
He wasn’t ready and here’s how I could tell:
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Easter Song Selection Checklist
/in Tuesday Morning Insights/by adminLet’s face it . . . I can’t remember it all, so the checklist helps me keep everything from my daily work flow to what I need to prepare for Sunday on track.
Several years ago I developed a checklist specifically for this time of year . . . The Easter Song Selection Check-list!
There are TONS of songs to consider at Easter, and whether your church uses modern worship (like we do at The Journey) or traditional (like the church I grew up in), running your Easter worship music set through this quick 5-Point Checklist will help ensure that the music of your Easter service is powerfully focused.
And as a bonus . . . I’ll post my Easter music set list at the bottom of this post.
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What Are You Returning to the Kingdom?
/in Leadership, Tuesday Morning Insights/by adminSeveral years ago a producer friend of mine from Nashville asked me to write and record a worship album for his label. (No – this is not a joke – ha!)
I was honored – he is a Grammy-nominated producer, has big distribution channels, and frankly he’s a good friend so I really wanted to do it.
I had a choice to make . . . I could do the album OR I could start and train worship leaders. I simply didn’t have time for both (and working full time at The Journey).
To keep this brief . . . I don’t have a worship album in Walmart. 🙂
Those who know me well have asked me why I chose to pass on the album and focus on training Worship Leaders.
My reason: Both were great options, but training worship leaders (for me) gave me the greatest opportunity to serve the church and make a difference for the Kingdom of God.
You see . . . there are TWO very important principles that I live by.
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Late for Rehearsal Again . . . Not anymore!
/in Tuesday Morning Insights/by admin“Late to Rehearsal . . . Again?”
If you’re like me, when you read the phrase you immediately think of at least one person on your team. You can see their face right now, can’t you?
Whether they are late to rehearsal, set-up, the Sunday service, Small Group, their own wedding, or whatever else may be on the calendar, some members of your team and mine have a Punctuality Problem.
Just recently I had a really great guy playing guitar with our team and he was constantly late . . . BIG TIME LATE. It wasn’t getting better and I had to jump in to fix it.
But how?
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