Three Steps to Creating the Right Flow in Your Worship Set

For the last 3 weeks we’ve been talking about the importance of developing your Music Plan…  Specifically the FIVE QUESTIONS you should ask each week in preparing your plan.

And today, we’re going to talk about one of the most important elements of your music plan — one that we ALL DO EVERY WEEK.

But first . . . a quick reminder that selecting songs is only part of the music plan you need to build each week.

We’re talking about creating a plan for how the music that you have selected is going to fit into the overall flow of the worship order, help create moments of life transformation, empower members of your team to step up to new levels of leading, and engage your congregation in passionate worship.

We’ve already hit on three of these BIG IDEAS in this series, but today, I want to share with you three important steps to answer question #4: Read more

Five Steps to Develop Your Music Plan – Part 3

“Don’t just sing songs . . . create moments!” That’s the advice that I received several years ago while attending a Tom Jackson’s Expressive Worship Conference.

I couldn’t agree more. In fact one of our core values here at The Journey has always been to not just ‘execute the service’, but to create moments of life-transformation in our worship services. It’s not enough to just play good music or teach a good message. We need to plan our services so that there are intentional moments where people can connect with God and experience life transformation.

This idea — creating moments — is central to the third question that you want to ask in preparing your music plan each week.

Here’s the question:

How can we create a moment of life-transformation in the time that we have?  Read more