Late for Rehearsal… Again?

If you’re like me, when you read that phrase you immediately think of at least one person on your team. You can see their face right now, can’t you?

Whether they are late to rehearsal, set-up, the Sunday service, Small Group, their own wedding, or whatever else may be on the calendar, some members of your team (and mine) have a Punctuality Problem.

Chances are you’ve dealt with it in one of two ways:
#1 – You’ve said absolutely nothing.  I doubt that’s you, but you would be surprised at how many worship leaders think that ignoring a problem is a legitimate strategy to fix it 🙂
#2 – You’ve had a “don’t be late anymore” conversation with the person.
Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t.  So – what do you do if you’re at the end of your rope with a consistent latecomer?
Just recently I read an article by Joseph Grenny (author of a great book I read this summer called “Change Anything”). In the article Grenny made the point that, “Punctuality is likely a means to an end—not the end itself that you really want. So clarify that end and how you’ll measure success or failure. Then let go of trying to control the means and hold people accountable for the real goals.”

In short, if you have a team member who is always late, explain why they need to be on time. Don’t just say, “Stop being late!” Have a conversation about why being on time matters:
* If we start on time, we end on time
* It’s respectful to the rest of the team
* It honors God when we keep our commitments
* A great rehearsal is preparation for a great service
* Your contribution is important and I don’t want you to miss out

Notice the difference between these “reasons” and the “don’t be late… or else” approach.  

“Reasons” tap into one of the most powerful (and motivating) words in the English language.  That word is “because“.  

By simply giving a good reason, your team member is far more likely to change their tardy behavior.

Being on time is important because . . .

I ask you to memorize the music because . . .

Living a God-honoring life is important because . . .
You get the idea.
Whatever the area of conflict, a good reason (and the word “because”) can have a powerful affect and turn the person who is at odds with you into one of your teams most faithful servants!

It may not be comfortable . . . it may not be easy . . . but for the integrity of your team and the good of your team member, you have to approach the problem and help them fix it.

Never forget . . . Part of leading your Worship Team is not only giving pats on the back, but corrections as well.

Don’t be afraid to handle these issues because doing so reduces your stress, strengthens your leadership and makes your team healthier (how’s that for 3 good reasons!). 

Your partner in ministry,

PS – As you know, when it comes to leadership and rehearsal, situations like this come up all the time.

Over the last 12 years I’ve learned to create some simple, but very effective systems in our Worship Team to help ensure our team stays on the right track.

That’s why I sat down and recorded a 3-hour seminar to help worship leaders avoid making some of the mistakes I’ve made in leading our team with God-given authority.

In the Leading with Authority in Rehearsal seminar, I walk you through how to develop systems on your team to:

  • Run to conflict!double wt
  • Bring the best out of the musicians on your team
  • Create a culture of excellence
  • Create REAL accountability through a simple 4-Step process that will ensure everyone understands and lives up to your ministry expectations
  • Create your Music Plan for maximum impact each week
  • Help you invest personally into the lives of your Worship Team members at rehearsal and the weekend service
  • And much more!

In addition, ONLY IN THIS RESOURCE will you learn . . .

  • The Journey’s Nine Core Values for Music Planning and how to begin writing your own
  • How to lead a music planning meeting, and the Five Questions you need to be asking every week to get ready for rehearsal!
  • How to build momentum, remove distractions and lead your church into powerful worship this Sunday!
  • How to cut your rehearsal time in half and create more time for personal investment and vision casting
  • How to turn “difficult” team members into your biggest allies
  • How to guarantee that every team member arrives on-time, prepared and knowing their parts
  • Plus much more!

There are two ways to learn in life . . . through your own mistakes and successes, or through the mistakes and successes of others. ??I’ve always found the latter to be faster and less painful. I hope you will allow me the opportunity to share these leadership principles with you.