What would you do with an extra hour this week?
What would you do with an extra hour today?
That’s a question that should captivate every pastor and worship leader.
If you could wave a magic wand and get all of the items on your list done giving you an extra hour to invest however you like… what would you do with it?
OK – back to reality and let’s be honest… most pastors and worship leaders find their lives and their ministries stretched with more than can possibly be accomplished in a week (much less a day). With the demands of work during the day, and then rehearsals, meetings and your kid’s basketball practice at night, we face our everyday lives with very little margin. (And if something new gets added or goes wrong… well, we know where that lands us.)
But “what if…?” What if you could get everything done in less time and discover you have an extra hour in your day? Read more