This Easter Sunday . . . Create Life-Transforming Moments
What is the goal for your Worship Arts Team this Easter Sunday?
It’s a bit of a trick question, I know, but just go with me on this.
Truth is there are a lot of goals – quality sound, exellent musicianship, passionate volunteers, not forgetting the lyrics (am I the only one with this goal?) … You get the picture.
These are all good, but I’m asking what’s the BIG GOAL?
You know the answer. . . Life Transformation.
As much as we want to see all of these other things, and they do go hand-in-hand, the ultimate goal this Easter Sunday for your Worship Arts Team and mine is Life Transformation. People’s lives radically transformed by the grace of God.
But how?
It’s a tough question because on one hand Life Transformation is the goal, yet on the other hand you and I don’t transform lives. God does. But we play an important role.
You see, only God can transform a life but our job on Sunday is to create the environment where life trasformation happens… where people open themselves to God’s redemptive process in their lives.
At The Journey, we call this “Creating Transformational Moments“. It has been one of our core values as a team from the very beginning and after 10 years of creating “Moments” I can tell you … it typically doesn’t just happen out of the blue! It can be a well-placed song, scripture, testimony, film, drama, dance, painting… It can be a lot of things. But the one thing it is most often is PLANNED.
Here’s an example:
This Easter Sunday at The Journey we will include a spoken word piece written by members of our team, based on Mary Magdaline’s experience that first Easter morning. It’s only one minute of the entire service but we’ve been planning it for over a month, it will be during a powerful song and I believe will be a Transformational Moment for the entire congregation.
Let me share a KEY PRINCIPLE with you when it comes to planning Transformational Moments – PLANNING ENGAGES GOD’S POWER.
Some peopel think that planning Moments isn’t spiritual because it takes God out of the process. But we have access to the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever. And the Spirit of God can move just as much 2 weeks before a service as He can 2 minutes before.
I’m not talking manipulation. I’m talking about “soaked in prayer, what is the most creative / powerful / inspirational way that we can teach this scriptural principle?”
This Easter, don’t just hope something special happens. Cooperate with God to plan a life transformational moment. You still have time.
As one of my mentors, Tom Jackson says, “Don’t just sing songs. Create moments.” Good advice for all of us this Easter Sunday!
Your partner in ministry,
PS: And one more thing … Creating moments isn’t just for Easter Sunday. You can create life transforamtional moments EVERY Sunday with the Planning Worship Services for Life Transformation Workshop.
In this powerful, six hour workshop, my Lead Pastor Nelson Searcy and I will teach you the proven principles and practices that have made the Journey Church in NYC one of the most innovative and effective churches in America.
In this resource you will learn:
This 6-hour workshop will teach you proven principles and practices to increase your worship planning effectiveness.
Recorded LIVE, this 6 hour seminar also includes more than 15 additional resource files, including:
- Fill in the blank workshop notes
- Sample worship orders
- Sample band notes
- Sample message transcript
- Sample planning notes, calendars and assignments
- Sample ideas and resources
- And much more!
This is a nuts and bolts resource that will teach you to make the most of your weekly worship times through effective, God honoring planning.
To immediately download the complete MP3 audio files and full resources and SAVE!CLICK HERE | To order the 6 CD workshop (5 audio CDs + 1 resource CD-ROM)CLICK HERE |